MVFT - Moon Vivian Foundation, The
MVFT stands for Moon Vivian Foundation, The
Here you will find, what does MVFT stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Moon Vivian Foundation, The? Moon Vivian Foundation, The can be abbreviated as MVFT What does MVFT stand for? MVFT stands for Moon Vivian Foundation, The. What does Moon Vivian Foundation, The mean?Moon Vivian Foundation, The is an expansion of MVFT
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- MTT Morley Thomas Trust
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- MSCTT Morrison Stanley Charitable Trust, The
- MA Morrison's Academy
- M Mosic
- MPSTL Moulsford Prep School Trust Ltd
- MM Mountain of Mercy
- MRCS Mountain Rescue Committee of Scotland
- MRJT Movement for Reform Judaism, The
- MTUEBU MTU Eesti Biokutuste Uhing
- MTUKK MTU Klubi Kalastaja
- MTUPOV MTU Parnu Ok Vaprus
- MTUP MTU Porkuni
- MYM Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin
- MBSLT Mulberry Bush School Ltd, The